Sewer Rehabilitation in Mannheim

without costly excavation

In about 80% of cases with damaged pipes it is possible to repair theses damages without extensive excavations. New methods like the use of so called Short liners are the means to repair damages within the closed construction. With the Short Liners method this means that the damaged area is lined from the inside with a special resin-impregnated glass fibre mat.

Contact us for further information and we can determine which approach will work best for your pipe damage.

before the renovationafter the renovation

Procedure of a short liner rehabilitation

  • Preliminary cleaning of the pipe
  • Check of the extent of damage with TV inspection
  • TV inspection to document the actual condition and exact measurement of the damaged area
  • Application of a resin-coated glass-fibre mat on an installation device (packer), positioning of the packer under camera observation
  • Proof of repair success by TV inspection

How to reach us

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More than 1,000 customers rely on the expertise of Abfluss-AS Mannheim. Do you too? Get in touch with us.

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