Spray Technology in Worms

Renovation of domestic wastewater pipes of dimensions DN 32 to DN 200

The coating or sealing of damaged areas is carried out using a specially developed solvent-free two-component plastic. This is applied evenly to the inner wall of the pipe in a thickness of approximately 2-4 mm.

The system, which has been approved by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBT), is suitable for almost all common pipe materials such as plastic, concrete, fibre cement, stoneware, stainless steel and cast iron.

Advantages of this technology

  • well suited for confined spaces
  • fast and economical rehabilitation of difficult-to-access sewage pipes with small nominal diameters
  • very little dirt, noise and odour nuisance
  • applied material is resistant to domestic sewage, grease and temperature fluctuations
  • coating is very smooth, insensitive to mechanical wear and tear and improves flow performance

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